You’ve graduated….now what?

If fear and uncertainty is clouding the feelings of excitement and anticipation for this new chapter (college) of your life, you are not alone. 

As more and more college campuses close and learning goes online, it raises significant concerns for new students about what this summer and the fall semester will look like for them.

The virus is preventing new college students from participating in campus visits, standardized testing, and meeting their college peers.  This uncertainty that is flooding the country is seeping into students’ lives and multiplying the fear of their transition from high school to college life.

While this is understandable, you will need to put this aside and decide right here and now that regardless of what the world is dealing with, you will meet these challenges and succeed in spite of them.  These circumstances will shape you into who you will become.  Years from now, you will be able to say that you not only survived a pandemic but you had the most unique high school and college experience than any other generation!

You will not only get through this, but you will succeed.  We are all in this situation to help one another. 

C.A.N. is here for you to ensure that you are up to the challenges that lay ahead.  If you would like to discuss the transition to college and how C.A.N. can be of assistance, please fill out the contact us page on our website.

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